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Values and Spirit

Values and Spirit

We live in an age that promotes life and life values. In this respect, we interpret ourselves according to the now dominant Darwinian paradigm exclusively as organic beings whose society, culture, and thoughts are rooted in organic impulses, having their inceptions in animals. We think of ourselves as animals: as highly evolved animals, certainly, but …

Responsible Decision-Making? On  the Goal of Making AI Moral

Responsible decision-making. AI

Nowadays, the AI phenomenon has taken the world by storm. The name ChatGPT is almost on every page of the internet, and stories about the achievements of this program are breathtaking. Among the discussions concerning those achievements one can also read about the future development of artificial intelligence and how AI will relate to responsible …

On Paradoxes and Discontinuity

On paradoxes and discontinuity: Drop of water

We might compare the impossibility of separating numbers inside a bigger one (of showing where the five starts and ends inside of the eight, which contains the five) with reality in general. At a deeper level, reality might be considered an all-encompassing unity. Then, despite the tremendous diversity of spatial things, the latter would exist …

Why Humans Are Conflictual Beings

Why Are Humans Conflictual Beings: Woman

Life is based on dispositions and necessities, and satisfying them. Reactions or impulses might be counted among dispositions. We do not know what animals or plants feel or ‘think’ unless we take into account the sentient part of our person, especially our body. We imagine that animals feel and ‘think’ somehow similarly to how we …

Past and Present

Many Identities

Why is a pure deterministic or causal view wrong? Because, in many cases, it neglects the nature of results, or rather it neglects the fact that the results, in order to be understood, must be seen from a different level. What is a symphony or a musical piece in general? They are only bunches of …

Culture and Possibility

Greek Temple

In the past, we lived with the idea of truth, the idea that human culture and spirituality is the result of the attempt to reach the truth, either the truth concerning the whole world, or only the truth concerning the human being. However, for more than a century this understanding of truth has been changed. …

Where the Wind Is Blowing To

One of the most interesting things in history is progress. We could call it development or also, simply, change. The interesting character consists in the fact that what people do together is rarely what they really meant when they started. It is somehow similar to the chaotic motion of the water molecules in the clouds, …

On Epicureanism

On Epicureanism: Statue of Epicurus

People have always sought the highest Good in life. Epicureanism was one of the philosophical streams that had an important influence on the Western tradition of thought. This conception stresses that the highest Good in life is pleasure and the highest evil is pain. While maintaining this, it avails of some arguments that it takes …

Catholicism and Science

Catholicism and Science: Renaissance Painting with Galileo

‘Effectively, Catholicism lost its moral authority the minute it mixed epistemic and pisteic belief — breaking the link between holy and the profane.’ —writes Nassim Nicholas Taleb, on Medium in his article On Christianity. I think that there is enough space here for some nuances. Modern science did not appear from anywhere but was itself …

On Hegel’s Philosophical System

On Hegel's Philosophical System: Library

Certainly, the concept of a system had a long history before Kant’s philosophical system, going back even to ancient philosophy and Greek language. Usually, it meant a whole in which the composing elements are integrated organically. Therefore, they depended on each other, as organs depend on each other in an organism. The representation of such …